“Explicit Weirdos”

Fucking weirdos!
Tipped-back winos
And their plastic wives.
Who’s their heros?
Washed up actors,
All with finished lives.

Couch potatoes
Eating corn chips
With their talk show hosts.

Jobless drifters
Talk their bullshit
Up and down the coasts.

Church fanatics
Preach their bible
All throughout the days.
Fucking weirdos,
Put the books down.
All you do is praise.

Toothless crack heads
Sell their bodies
Just for one more rock.

Self-praised winners,
Shut your damn mouths.
All you do is talk.

Dog show people…
What a contest!
You’re all fucking nuts!
Fucking weirdos
Dressing dogs up.
You must love those mutts!

Online junkies
Sit, just staring.
Does your ass get pains?

Muscle assholes
Flex their steroids
Cause they got no brains.

Starbucks losers
Drink their mochas,
Because they think it’s cool.
It’s just coffee,
Not a statement
You lame, fake-ass fools!

Clouded poets
Write down nonsense
All in rhyme for free.
Fucking weirdos,
You’re all crazy…
But just look at me.

All Content Copyright © Chris J. Melanson. All Rights Reserved.
-Chris J. Melanson 2001