“November Winds”

On a trampoline
In the yard of a house by an airport
A young boy jumps as he watches planes fly.
He jumps daily, after school
While the weathers still cool
While the jack o’ lanterns begin to rot.
In those November winds, he wants to be a pilot.
His mother is a hypochondriac and has O.C.D.
And she watches him
While standing at the pantry window
Repeatedly washing her hands.
She’s mad at him as she stands.
She’s upset that his coat was thrown on the ground.
In those November winds, she fears he’ll catch a cold.

Across the state
In the yard of a house by a daycare
A man rakes leaves while hearing children play.
Landscaping is all he can do
And child support is due
And his ex-wife has many, many problems.
In those November winds, he misses being with his son.

All Content Copyright © Chris J. Melanson 2008 - 2009. All Rights Reserved.
-Chris J. Melanson 2007