“The Cloud in the Orange Sky”
Orange is a color of sweetness.
Sweetness is a taste of love.
Love is above my environment,
Which I’ve learned loves to push and shove.
On a cloud in the orange sky
Is where I go to cry.
It’s where I go to get away.
It’s where I’ll go to die.
On the cloud I stand alone—
I stand apart from all I’ve known—
And all I’ve seen—
My head is clear—
My heart is pure—
My pains not near—
And when I cry, it cleanses me—
It drowns out all my doubts.
On the cloud is where I’ll stay for now
To learn what I’m about.
I’m pure and free and certainly me—
My memory is gone—
And when I cry I’m glad cause I
No longer am a pawn—
No longer am a puppet swan
Hanging by those strings,
Flying in directions
As others flap my wings.
My environment intrudes on who I am.
My environment is below the cloud.
My environment is loud and full of lunacy.
My environment is not for me.
On a cloud is where I’ll be…