“Who Created Us?”
We destroy our own habitat.
We demolish what ones before us have formed.
We dedicate our lives to making things easier
And end up making things only more confused.
We generate our own problems.
We bury those problems, and then act surprised
When they’ve grown into disasters.
We wage wars for reasons that we can’t logically explain.
We invest money into companies
To create weapons to destroy ourselves.
We’re attracted to calamities.
Destruction and pain is our favorite type of entertainment.
We celebrate others suffering and laugh at their discontent.
We humiliate to boost our own self-confidence.
We increase our material possessions
And reduce our moral values.
We believe drugs are the ultimate answer.
We’re taught that they are.
We disconnect ourselves from the solutions to prolong our lives.
We take advantage of every weakness.
We steal, murder, sexually abuse, abandon, lie, cheat, and pollute.
We justify this all.
Makes me wonder…
Who created us,
And are we what they had in mind?